UPCT and CTNC will promote research applied to the food sector

Scientific news ·

National Technological Center for Food and Canning (CTNC) and Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) are studying collaboration formulas to promote joint research projects, offer training courses for the agri-food sector and facilitate internships for students.


The rector of the UPCT, Beatriz Miguel, visited to the CTNC together with the vice rectors for Research and Studies, Catalina Egea and Juan Ángel Pastor, with the aim of promoting the transfer of knowledge through collaboration between both institutions.


The president and director of the CTNC, José García and Pablo Flores, explained to the rector of the Polytechnic that the CTNC is a Cervera Network Research Center of Excellence, a distinction granted by the CDTI and that has been granted by the Agromatter project.


During the work meeting, the commitment to technological innovation that the CTNC is carrying out was shown, which will undoubtedly help the educational entity to respond to the demands for training and professional qualification that the Center requires.


The School of Agronomists of the Polytechnic of Cartagena has a master's and doctorate program in Advanced Techniques for Agricultural and Food Research and Development (TAIDA) in which dozens of young researchers are trained and there are numerous UPCT research groups that They transfer applied research to companies and organizations in the agri-food sector. And a company associated with the CTNC, Auxiliar Conservera, has a Chair at the Polytechnic of Cartagena, where specific training is carried out for workers.


Among the collaboration modalities that were discussed were the joint execution of studies and research projects in those areas that are considered of common interest, the development of training courses around different aspects of the agri-food sector, the execution of internships for students of the UPCT in CTNC programs and mutual advice on issues related to the activities of both entities.

Link: CTNC - Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y la Alimentación