Events ·

The AITEX Innovation and Research Center, through the Agromatter Network, organizes a free day for companies on November 3. To facilitate the attendance of  interested companies, AITEX offers the possibility of registering online or attending  in person (AITEX facilities in Alcoy).

During the Conference, new solutions for the development of highly sustainable technical materials derived from by-products or waste from the agricultural industry will be presented. In addition, different financing mechanisms of the CDTI will be presented and a face-to-face workshop will be held at the AITEX facilities.

Why should I attend?

Today there is a large amount of waste from by-products of agriculture, the agricultural industry and other types of vegetable waste. The challenge is to give a second life to this agro-industrial waste  through its valorization and development of new sustainable materials.  Specifically,  AITEX develops solutions applicable to sectors such as textiles, cosmetics and nutraceuticals and construction.

Data and registration

  • Day: November 3
  • Time: 9:30h
  • Attendees: companies
  • Hybrid format: you can attend in person or online
  • AITEX facilities address: Assembly hall. Plaza Emilio Sala, 1 Alcoy (Alicante)


Program of the day

From 9:00h. – 10:45h. Reception and accreditations

From 9:30h. – 10:45h. Block I: Opportunities for the development of highly sustainable materials.

Latest results obtained and lines of research of the CERVERA AGROMATTER NETWORK.

We will learn new solutions to recover waste from the by-products of agriculture, the agricultural industry and other types of vegetable waste in order to obtain new materials that can be applied in sectors such as textiles, construction, cosmetics and nutraceuticals.

Eduardo Fages, Head of Sustainability and Materials Technology at AITEX.


Success stories of companies.

Different companies will present success stories related to the development of new sustainable materials.


  • PERSISKIN: AWIMEN, from wasted harvest to high-quality products

        Jaime Sanfelix - CEO of PersisKIn S.L.


  • ASAC PHARMA: PRONES, R+D of new antimicrobial products based on natural extracts of xerophytic plants for the prevention of nosocomial infections by cleaning surfaces and skin

        Juan Laborda - technical director Pharmaceutical Specialties Centrum / Asacpharma


  • SYNTHELAST and  INJECTED MEGA: Development of biomaterials derived from partially biobased polyurethane resins and lignocellulosic residues

         Francisco J. Rodríguez - CEO of Synthelast; Marcos Carrero - CEO of Inyectados Mega


You can attend the talk in person or view it online.


From 10:45h. – 11:30h. Block II: Financing mechanisms.

Hand in hand with the CDTI, different financing mechanisms that currently exist for companies will be presented.

Emilio Iglesias Cadarso - Head of the Department of Institutional Promotion and Territorial Cooperation. EU Directorate and Territorial Cooperation. CDTI.

You can attend the talk in person or view it online.


From 11:30h. – 12:00h. Coffee break

From 12:00h. – 13:00h. Block III: Face-to-face workshop at AITEX 

Three key pilot plants will be visited for the development of new sustainable technical materials and thus demonstrate:

  • Wet-laid technology
  • Fusion spinning technology
  • Asset formulation and stabilization technologies


More information at: