Promotion of the European project ESTELLA, focused on the development of new recyclable epoxy resins

Technology development ·

Andaltec Technological Center has participated in León in the meeting of the European R&D project ESTELLA, focused on the development of new recyclable epoxy resins that can be used in applications that require high performance materials. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of León hosted an event to present the project, in which Andaltec researchers Manuela Cano and Francisco José Orriach participated.


This project, financed by the European Commission, is part of the Horizon Europe programme, one of the most competitive and prestigious calls at the European level, which exclusively promotes projects of great excellence. It has a budget close to five million euros and is made up of 13 entities from eight different countries.


This R+D+i initiative aims to solve the environmental problem associated with fiber-reinforced epoxy resin-based composites, since they are technical materials with a low recyclability rate. The Technological Center leads and coordinates the work focused on recycling the new composites developed in the project.


Andaltec Technological Center contributes all its experience with epoxy resins and in the use and reuse of fibers to develop new composite materials with improved properties and a higher level of sustainability. Fiber-reinforced epoxy resins have numerous applications in sectors such as Aeronautics, Civil Engineering, Aerospace, Automotive and even in vehicles that compete in Formula 1.


Source: Andaltec