CTNC reveals its research and technological capabilities at the InfoDay ‘Fomento de la Innovación en el Sector Agroalimentario’
Last June, the National Technological Center for Food and Canning in Murcia unveiled its research and technological capabilities at the “Fomento de la Innovación en el Sector Agroalimentario” InfoDay, held at the Murcia Science Park as part of the Program PIDDE and with the collaboration of the AGROMATTER project financed by the CDTI (Centre for Industrial Technological Development), through the Ministry of Science and Innovation, within the framework of aid for “Cervera” Technological Centers of Excellence. CER-20211013.
The event was organized with the participation of different agents from the agri-food sector, where technical staff provided news to the attending companies, in the field of technological innovation and the financing mechanisms offered at the national and regional level, through the CDTI and the INFO Murcia. In addition, this event sought to promote agri-food entrepreneurial discovery, as well as the implementation of new ideas that guarantee the growth of the business fabric in the Region of Murcia, in accordance with the demands of today's society, based on a safe, healthy and sustainable.
The opening of this 'Infoday' was carried out by Pablo Flores, director of the CTNC who valued the R&D&I work carried out by the Center helping the food industry to be at the forefront of its production processes. The event continued with the intervention of Ángel Martínez, director of the OTRI of the CTNC, about the different actions of interest that are developed from the center, with financing from the CARM, to also promote entrepreneurial discovery, betting on technology transfer and recognition of innovative ideas.
About national financing opportunities in R&D projects in the agri-food sector, Carlos Franco reported, technical advisor to CDTI, an agency dependent on the Ministry of Science and Innovation, who has presented the programs available to this agency, such as: the CIEN Program, the Cervera transfer projects, in collaboration with the Technological Centers, as well as other aid aimed at lines of innovation, expansion, the Neotec program or the recently published 'Misiones' programme.
On the regional side, Inmaculada Espinosa, a technician from the Department of Business Innovation of the Murcia Region Development Institute, elaborated on the main lines of financing and innovation services of this regional administration body, such as R&D+ aid i that they have planned for the new operational program 2021 2027, among which it is expected to have a new specific program for R&D projects, innovation checks, the tic check, the Europe check or the Sustainability check, among other possibilities funding that may arise in the new operational programme. In addition, the services available in the INFO have been specified, such as those for patents and the SEIMED network, which may be useful for companies.
As a success story, Presentation García, head of the Research Center's Technology department, reported on the results that are being obtained in the AGROMATTER project, transferring the formulas to cooperate with companies and help them develop successful proposals, to achieve greater competitiveness to the business fabric, a project financed by the CDTI that has served for the CTNC to obtain the qualification of Cervera Center of Excellence together with the rest of the highly complementary Technology Centers in the fields of agriculture, biotechnology and materials science, which make up the Network Agromatter.
Likewise, Sergio Streitenberger, from AMC innova, was another guest in charge of talking about applied innovation through the R&D&I lines that this company is developing thanks to national funding obtained through the CDTI and other European programs. AMC is a company with great innovative capacity that is a driving force in the regional sector and its participation was relevant for the attending companies that are looking for formulas to establish themselves in our sector.
Finally, the AGROFOOD cluster informed the attendees of the Agro2Circular (A2C) project, which has different regional companies in its consortium, involved in Eco-innovative ideas, which support a circular economy model in the Region of Murcia. A2C is a project that has received funding through the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation framework program under agreement No. 101036838. The participation of A2C in this Infoday highlighted the advantages that companies can have from the point of view of economic financing, as well as that of collaboration with other entities, achieving an international network of contacts capable of responding to their concerns.
Fuente: CTNC